The Garden Year: October 2023

My September gardening appears to have been dominated by cutting our lavender bushes - we have many in our new garden, at least six or seven, and none have been cut since they’ve been planted. The joys of a new build house, though I know I’m lucky that we have any plants (and grass) in our garden at all so this isn’t a complaint.

At least my major work this month has been fragrant - and rewarding, it’s great to see them take shape again, whilst remembering not to cut into the old wood.

Our gardening efforts are punctuated by when the brown bin will be emptied, and more often than not we’re out there - me with my lavender task, and MOH cutting the grass - the day before the bin is due to be collected. But at least we’re out there, we’ve also been visiting some National Trust gardens, so I’ll be sharing more about our visit to Hidcote and Killerton on my blog over the next month.

Enjoy your garden this month, there’s still plenty to be done - and if we’re lucky the weather will be on our side too!

Advice, inspiration and places to visit

A single purple flower head on the left doused in dew

Photo by Elisa H on Unsplash


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The Garden Year: September 2023

Well last month was challenging, dry spells, wet spells and often windy too. In the past month I’ve lost my rosemary bush, which is frustrating as we’d moved it with us here. It was a relatively old plant, which had lived in a pot for many a year, so I don’t think it liked the changed conditions. I think it was the wind it mostly didn’t like, which is probably a good pointer for me to actually move the pots from where they were dumped (placed carefully!) when we arrived.

August was also a good month for visiting gardens as part of the National Garden Scheme, and I was excited to discover there’s actually gardens we can visit close to our new house. We got to one, didn’t get to another - but I’m continuing to look at what’s on offer now every time the newsletter drops into my inbox. If you want to know more, there’s details on how to find garens near you on the post I’ve linked this month.

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The Garden Year: August 2023

Well, it was all change for me in July - and a new garden too. We moved house at the start of the month, and so gardening has been few and far between. Not least because I needed to find which box my gardening tools were in first!

But I found them, and was able to pot on a plant which dad had been growing for me - we think it’s a nectarine that he’s grown from the pip, so that will be interesting to watch develop. And it’s already quite big given that it’s only eighteen months in. I’ve also started to reshape the plants in one part of the garden, to stop them growing into each other and bring back some of the definition. I’ll be sharing a post on my new garden soon, so look out for that and it’s quite likely not what you might expect, but in the meantime I’ve linked up a post on my rather nice new garden wall.

Have a great month!

Advice, inspiration and places to visit

Photo by Cody West on Unsplash


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